2010年6月3日 星期四

《諾貝爾獎 中獎指南》摘要及讀後心得

Author:杜赫堤(Peter Dohery)著;楊玉齡譯。
The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize - A Life in Science


     This book was a kind gift from Dr Wu (Wei-Chi Mike Wu, MD, PhD) last year (Oct 29).  We have, or he has exactly, been obscessed with biomedical research, as well as daily practice in oral English.  Probably, as a mentor and senior colleague of mine, he tried to convey some positive effects or healthy viewpoints to me.  Thank God, before moving to Miami in July, I am done with it.
     The last chapter lists 18 dos and don'ts on what it takes to be an outstanding research scientist:

01  解決大問題,做出真正的大發現
02  要實際,善用你的長處
03  培養基本技能,與適當的人共事
04  鍛鍊清晰簡潔的文筆
05  選對研究領域
06  發掘並培養逆你真正的熱情
07  要專注,不要半吊子
08  要選對工作場所
09  重視證據,學習看清眼前的事實
10  跳出思考的框框
11  談論你的研究主題
12  說實話
13  做人要大方,留意文化差異
14  要堅持,要強韌,但也要有失敗的準備
15  珍惜你的時間
16  避免擔任顯赫的,管理職位
17  小心照顧自己,活久一點
18  生活愉快,展現贏家風範

     Well, the above tips are not only for those pursuing a Nobel Prize, but also for us, PhD students or "young" investigators, who have repeatedly encountered unexpected failures in the lab.     
