《臺灣眼科學期刊》即將在六月刊登(目前只能以e-publish of future volume問世),本土第一篇有關如何防範新冠肺炎COVID-19的指南。第一作者是林口長庚眼科部的總醫師林睿彥,指導作者為眼科部長吳為吉教授,本人忝列第五作者,備極榮幸。完稿的時候是四月25日,當天全球確診案例為260萬,時至昨日五月9日,才兩週時間,確診數目已達400萬!
PURPOSE:Although Taiwan was one of the first countries to develop coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19), with effective antiepidemic measures, Taiwan has effectively controlled the spread of the disease. The purpose of this article is to provide useful safety strategies for ophthalmologists in daily practice during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Infection control strategies in the hospital and Department of Ophthalmology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, are discussed.
RESULTS:Ophthalmologists are at high risk of contracting COVID‑19 infection, as they have close contact with patients during ocular examinations, and are also facing high patient volume in outpatient clinics as well as emergency consultations. Furthermore, ocular symptoms, such as conjunctivitis, may be the presenting signs of COVID‑19 infection. We provide our strategies, which include hospital’s gate control with triage station, patient volume control, proper personal protective equipment, and consultation with telemedicine technology, to decrease the risk of cross‑infection between medical staffs and patients.
CONCLUSION:To achieve the goal of preventing viral spread and maximizing patient and medical staffs’ safety, besides providing proper protective equipment, it is also crucial for staffs and patients to strictly follow antiepidemic measures. We hope that our experience can help ophthalmologists and health‑care workers to have a safer working environment when facing COVID‑19 pandemic.
Coronavirus, coronavirus disease 2019, ophthalmology, Taiwan