2011年4月29日 星期五

參加 ARVO 2011 年會的璧報

Hi, this is a new release of my poster to be presented at ARVO's 2011 Annual Meeting, on Sunday May 1, 2011 3:15PM - 5:00 PM.  The poster board number is A61 (in Hall B/C), Convention Center, Fort Larderdale, FL, USA.  See you.

2011年4月26日 星期二

奪命車貼 Lethal Bumper Stickers

邁阿密的美國人有一點很可愛,常可見到家長把貼紙(sticker,或許是學校為獎勵學生表現良好而頒發的)黏貼在車後安全護欄(bumper)上。不是寫到:My child is an honor student.(咱家子女是優良學生),就是 Our boy/girl got straight A.(我家小犬/小女成績全得甲上)。在台灣,要是學校給了我諸如此類的 bumper sticker,我大概只敢貼在冰箱門上,免得車毀人亡。

昨天在 FIU(Floria International University)大門前(NW107th Ave/16th St)等紅燈時,竟瞥見令我哭笑不的的標語:
When I die, please bury me upside down, so that the whole world can kiss my ass.

2011年4月12日 星期二

The Chen Family by Michi Chen, a Pre-K Toddler

I am proud to present the recent art work by my daughter Michi, a pre-K girl turning five.  She drawed what she thought about, a family of four traveling happily.

Left to right:
Michi herself, her brother Yokuan, Mom Ruby, and Dad Jesse.